Abel is an awesome 2 year old. He has just enough enthusiasm and curiosity mingled with the appropriate amount of fear. I love that he answers questions in full sentences, has a great high pitched fake laugh, takes solid 2 hour naps, and can entertain himself with anything toy with wheels for an entire day.

Abel knows when it's time to a cuddle and will find me and throw himself at me for a hug. He really believes in the magic of kissing owies better. Abe loves being praised for his accomplishments, In fact, he has been starting the potty process on his own with no need for reward...just a solid high five and a hug.
1 comment:
Liz forgot to mention that Able has now perfected the art of "Tattling" on Afton. He comes up all the time to tell me stuff that Afton did. The only problem is that sometimes he tells on Afton for stuff she did a couple days ago.
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