After talking to my Mom last night about my paint colors, I realized I hadn't posted pics of my living/open space room. SO now you can visualize how cocoa brown, apple green and light aqua aren't weird together...

this is my entry wall (the door is to the right). i picked the mirror up back in my NY days at a tag sale for $10 and finally found a great use for it. the photo board is a Lizzy Original (foam covered in my lovely fabric with fave family photos) And you get a nice look at the tv stand and wall mounted tv (courtesy of geek of the many perks of the ad job)behind me

a better view of the entry (yes i know it's small but we dig small) and how the colors meet. and the pillow fabric that inspired the whole scheme. don't overlook my handy show's really a log bucket!

we have a giant picture window (awaiting wood blinds but the hugeness is making that difficult) that i didn't want to cover with curtains. i framed 4 photos of places we have been.lived that i especially loved (the outer banks, view from the roof of the Met, lighthouse in NC, and a sunset in Kansas) I love having these photos up high where my eye catches them from the kitchen. I remember each of these moments perfectly and adore the reminder every day.

Okay Mom, this is the wall i was telling you bookshelf/computer station. I finally found a functional and very inexpensive way to get my computer out of the bedroom and to house my books (at least the ones I don't mind having in public view). The dining room is the push back section to the right. You can see my awesome sparkly retro stripe in the photo.
I realize I don't have a photo of the living room space in general, just my decor...but as the camera is in San Antonio...I'll have to post that later.
Happy! We like seeing teh decor just as much if not more than the room anyway. Great computer area. WIsh I could have my tv on the wall somewhere. You're motivating me to print out some pics for the walls.
I really like the color scheme. Everything goes so well. Do you really get heat out of those high wall vents? So what is the log container for? Just decor? Some of my most fav prints have come off the computer. such a savings.
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