And then I removed the BINKY from Abel's life. HOW? I cut the end off so they were "broken." He accepted this quicker than I anticipated but has been having a difficult time napping and then waking up crazy early for a few days. I don't operate well on short naps and need my kids to sleep until 7, so Ive been frazzled to say the least.
And here is a very short binky tribute. I did a good job of keeping the binky in the bed, or at least didn't take photos with the binky in.
And of course Patrick has been burning the midnight oil at work. Of course. But I'm back now. Yawn.
that's awesome. He WAS wearing that exact same outfit.
Glad you had a great time. Nice to hear is relaxing
Ya!! Congrats on the binky. I'll send the tip on to my friend :)
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