Happy Birthday to me. I'm 30 today! I praise my Mom for always loving her age (and never looking it by the way) for my nonchalance about turning 30. And I'm pretty pleased with what I accomplished in my 20's: marriage, college graduate, mom of two, living in 5 states, keeping fit, finding new hobbies and reaching new goals.
I got lots of lovely cards, calls and emails today. Thanks for remembering me!
happy 30!!
Happy Birthday! Hooray for getting older and closing out another fabulous decade!
Happy Birthday!!!
So, I have to admit that yesterday, on your birthday, I kept thinking "Whose birthday is it today?!" That thought plagued me all day!!!
Sorry I missed out giving you a call. I hope it was a fabulous day.
Happy day to you! I'll try to have as much grace when my time comes. I have so many greeat people to aspire to, and you're one of them :)
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