Today I decided that I had delayed raking the leaves on my lawn long enough. I called them decor for Halloween but a week into November is just lazy! I had been wanting to dress my kids up in great fall hats and sweaters and snap photos of them playing in the leaves...but a 70 degree day didn't match up with my plans. The photos probably turned out better since I didn't stage them anyway.
First, I told Afton I would pay her a penny for every leaf she picked up from the rocks. She was very motivated and worked hard for her dollar.

Then it was time to rake the leaves into a pile

and JUMP!

and throw leaves into the air

Abel was more interested in raking his own way...

...or eating his apple...

...but he finally decided to join in on the fun!

I think my yard looks a little empty now.

Maybe I should put this out on my lawn

because it's not tacky at all.
That's my boy. Let the women do the work. The Force is strong with this one Obi Wan.
super cute pix, what a great idea to pay them for each leave - I would need to win the lottery to do that for all the leaves we have in our yard!
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