cooling down in the igloo with ice cream
I recently read an interview with a quote from the wife of a very busy man. His wife is often heard saying, "I'm a happily married single mother." I know exactly what she means. That has been my life this week and weekend- with the exception of one night home and 4 hours on Saturday morning. But I am happy to spend each day with two adorable, funny and happy kids. And I'm happy that they forgive my little mommy meltdowns and give me minutes of space every few hours.
PATRICK is busy. Duh! And he is in serious need of a haircut but can't seem to find the time to get one.
LIZ is back on house projects. This week an ottoman was recovered and lots of organizing done. Painting and sewing pillows is ahead!

AFTON is begging for friends to play. We had our first in home play date which was fun for her (and Abel). Here is a funny comment from Afton today:
A: Pickle juice tastes yucky.
M: Doesn't it taste like pickles?
A: No. It tastes like melting salt.

afton wanting a picture of her epiglottis ...yes she knows what it is!

showing off a dance move while losing footing

self portrait
ABEL is still running. I think he dreams of running. He also started crawling again this week, really slow with his head hung down. He knows we think it is funny so he entertains us with it. Afton taught him the meaning of and how to say "toot." But he also says "cuse me" to counteract the toot. Abel went to nursery for the first time today. He loved playing with toys, spilled the dixie cup of water all over himself (note to self: work on cup skills) and of course spent the entire lesson time pushing his chair around the room. Patrick picked him up and he was wearing a necklace with a red "I did wrong" badge on it. Patrick asked if he did okay and the nursery leader said he had a hard time with the cup at snack time. Patrick asked if that was what the necklace referenced, a bit concerned with the technique, and the leader quickly showed Patrick the "I was sorry" and "I feel better" badged and explained the lesson. A funny entrance to nursery!

dress up shoe, and his preferred outfit

abel's new favorite toy
I am hoping for a date night this week and already have a daytime babysitting swap lined up. Enjoy your week!
Funny--Lilly ASKS for pickle juice when I give her pickles. She loves to snack on them and then always says, "My drink pickle juice. Where pickle juice?!"
I'm sorry you don't get to see Patrick very much. I want to say I can relate, but even when Fred works6 days a week, I still get him most nights before 6:30.
You probably get sick of hearing this...but Abel really looks like you! Your kids are darling and getting so big. It was fun seeing how they've changed when I checked into your blog today!
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