Patrick is a very busy man. We all knew this was coming and I'm almost used to it. He is working hard on some cool stuff for ask.com and nike. He's the play machine in the morning with the kids. And sometimes he gets home with time to spare before bedtime.

Liz cannot wait to move into the new place. I'm dreaming of paint colors and hoping Target puts all their outdoor play stuff on sale just in time for em to stock up on it next week. I made a friend, a wife of a co-worker of Patrick's who is also in our ward. Hooray!
Afton has really made us laugh this week. Since we are staying at a Marriott, I swiped the free Book of Mormon for her to take to church. She spent all morning looking at the pictures and "reading" her scriptures. She randomly said, "Hey Mom, if I find the liahona, I get bonus points!" The B of M would make a cool video game. Later in the day, Afton got in a bit of trouble for pushing Abel, she stormed up the stairs and yelled "I'm going upstairs to read my scriptures!" How great if she always rebelled this way! Afton also gets Abel laughing with silly songs she makes up and sings over and over and over. I even have the latest one memorized:
(to the tune of baa baa black sheep)
Hey do do what do you hear?
I don't hear anything, anything.
Went to bed and her went Honk Zhoo,
Woke and he put on his ears
Her do do what do you hear?
I don't hear anything, anything.

Hey do do what do you hear?
I don't hear anything, anything.
Went to bed and her went Honk Zhoo,
Woke and he put on his ears
Her do do what do you hear?
I don't hear anything, anything.
Abel is a runner. He runs outside to pick up a stick, away from me when I try to change his diaper or get him dressed, and all around the house with Afton all day long. He would be an excellent man vs. wild kinda guy since he had no problem eating crayons, pine cones, rocks, banana peels and more. Abel is talking so much! New words are :animal (amal), hello (hewo) and hi guys. Abel has picked up on our frequent trips to the main lobby to get cookies. As soon as we walk through the door he starts to shout "COOKIE!" even if it's breakfast time.
We made it to our new ward today. It's small and so we were noticed right away. I've never had so many people say hello to me and remember me. A great way to start out in a new ward.
We made it to our new ward today. It's small and so we were noticed right away. I've never had so many people say hello to me and remember me. A great way to start out in a new ward.
Busy work man, I hear ya on that.
Always great to start designing the new house right away, while things are still in boxes and easier to move around. Enjoy the move this week! :D
Afton, dear Afton your sense of humor is great! Pria makes up little songs as well, I get a new one when she tucks me in for bed.
Let's just hope he looses his Man v. Wild side before he brings home snakes for dinner ;)
Glad he is doing well at Crispin.
Hey, do you have an Ikea close by? Take your time unpacking and enjoy!!!
Good job with the song AFton. I have even been humming it, trying to remember the words at work is not real easy.
Sounds as though Abel is being all boy1 YEAH. Not afraid of anything. Going to keep you on your toes!!
cabes and afton should start a band!
and boys...hmmm...you need one more and then you won't have to try and train for another marathon-you'll be totally prepared!
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