Abel is doing new things every day, it's hard to keep track of them all. Here are some of my favorite things he is doing:
When I sing a song to him that he knows, instead of singing along he says "Yeah, I know dat."
When Abel does sing songs, it is adorable. He sings the Laurie Berkner Ice Cream Cone song all day long (Oooo Oooo Ice Cawream Cwone). Lsst week he spit his binky out to sing Love Is Spoken Here during bedtime.
He mimics everything that Afton does. For example, Afton does not like to wear socks. Abel loves socks but because Afton doesn't he says "don't wike it, too tight" when I put socks on.
Abel playing with his shadow
He comes up with the funniest food requests for meals. Cookies are his first choice, followed by "panpakes" and dip and then waffles, with dip of course.
He is a huge fan of routine. Abel
has to lay in bed with Afton before getting in his own bed (if she is staying up, I have to sing him songs in her bed first). Every time we come home, he races to sit on the rocker outside before I force him indoors. Each morning when Patrick leaves for work, Abel and Afton holler out the front window their loves and wishes (for the whole neighborhood to hear). As soon as the front door shuts Abel races for the window and waits.
abel's multi-tasking: playing with balloons, popper closeby, taking a movie breakAbel does not enjoy sitting still. His playtime is usually with toys that can run around with him (popper, stroller). He has just figured out that he can dump out toy buckets then use the buckets as stools to reach light switches, an activity he loves. And he figured out how to pull the chairs out from the table, which he then uses to climb on top of the table. Between those two things I rarely accomplish much at home during awake hours!
Abel's is loads of fun and so sweet. He says "I love you" all the time. He loves greeting Afton with hugs every morning and loves waking Daddy up with loving bounces in the morning too.