I thought it was about time I showed off out little home. I'll kick this tour off with the kids room. I love it. The kids love it. Patrick wears sunglasses in it. I wanted a gender neutral color but not green or yellow.
Orange it was. I dedicate the color to my
younger sis who loved orange as a child.

Afton has her
girly pink touches with the bed and the tulle draping over her headboard. Abel has absolutely
nothing within reach and still has fun stuff on his side. I added the yarn dots to the curtains, then embellished with tulle (can you tell I adore using tulle). I've spotted hanging yarn balls in a few places and was excited to recreate them for the room also.

I'd still like to update Abel's crib bedding, but the is spent for now! And when Patrick is home for a few days over Christmas, I'm going to have him draw portraits of Afton and Abel for the wall the headboards share. But other than those two elements this room is done!